Facebook Content Moderation

Current TopicsCategory: StressFacebook Content Moderation
atadmin Staff asked 6 years ago

Facebook Content moderators get exposed to some of the darkest images and thoughts on the web.  It leads to PTSD and takes quite an emotional toll. The article itself covers in detail what these people are exposed to on a daily basis, and for the paltry sum of $15/hr.  
I’ve done a very light version of this, and I have to say it’s scarring.  For a time I ran a dating site, and we moderated for nudity and romance scams.  Even an hour a day of it made me very cynical about people, a view I hold too much even to this day.  Has anyone else experiences things like this?
Link:  https://www.theverge.com/2019/2/25/18229714/cognizant-facebook-content-moderator-interviews-trauma-working-conditions-arizona